Rev. Richard Altork

Interim Pulpit Supply

Rev. Altork brings God’s Word to our congregation each Sunday morning.

Richard Altork became a Christian through repentance and faith in the risen Lord Jesus Christ at a Billy Graham Crusade in 1961. After receiving, in prayer, a call from God to serve in fulltime Christian service, he attended Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. He was Ordained as a Minister of the Gospel in 1971, and later joined the PCA.  

He and Barbara, his wife of 43 years, have five children.

After serving as Pastor of Presbyterian Churches for a number of years, Richard and Barbara continued their service in ministry as missionaries with Wycliffe Bible Translators, assisting others in their use of computers in the work of Bible Translation, and have served for twenty years in the Philippines.

They now continue their service in ordained ministry in the PCA and with Wycliffe. Richard loves to preach, and he and Barbara enjoy talking with people of all ages about serving Christ.

Richard enjoys the hobbies of fishing and working with computers. He also spends time encouraging pastors whenever he can.