Welcome to Prosperity Church!
We warmly welcome you to Prosperity Church. We’re glad you are here, and would be honored to have you join us Sunday morning at 10:00 am as we worship God's risen Son. May you know the love of God and feel His presence, for you are special to the Lord, and to us. We pray that God will touch your life during the service, and that you will leave with His peace.
We would love it if you and your family would visit and perhaps even make Prosperity your church home!
Prosperity is a contrast of old and new. We’re 226 years old, founded in 1789. We hold to old truths which continue to serve us well. The most important is that the Lord Jesus Christ should have first place in everything, for life makes sense only when a person comes to know Him personally.
And there’s an old command which we try to follow in new ways that we love one another as Christ loved us. We believe that the loneliness and frustration people feel can be relieved by the fellowship of Christian friends. Prosperity is a church that ministers to the needs of every family and individual. We’re old in our beliefs, but new in finding a life that honors God in this hectic world.
We invite you to worship with us at 10:00 AM on Sunday. If you have a pastoral need, or would like a friend with whom to talk, please feel free to give us a call or email us using the contact link on our page! We want to serve you!
Life at Prosperity
5533 PPC Drive
Charlotte, NC, 28269
704-875-1182 ex. 4