The Wrath of the Weak
Rev. Bruce Brown
II Samuel 4:1-12
I. Assumptions Reveal Our Sin (verses 1-8)
II. Gratitude Remedies Our Idolatry (verse 9)
III. Justice Reassures God’s Saints (verses 9-12)
"It was a glorious thing for Israel to have in David a king who would enforce God’s bloody justice upon the wicked. But in Jesus Christ we have a higher sovereign and a better Savior. Christ is a king who not only inflicts justice on his enemies but who takes upon himself the penalty of his peoples’ sins, offering his own blood to save us from the severe judgment we have deserved. If in our waywardness we find God's mercy to seem severe, we nonetheless rejoice over every stroke, every loss, and every trial that leads us to the crowning mercy and the glory of knowing Jesus Christ.” ~ Richard Phillips
Wholehearted Gratitude
Rev. Bruce Brown
Psalm 138
December 1, 2019
I. Gratitude Produces Godly Courage (verses 1-3)
II. Gratitude Lives in God’s Mission (verses 4-5)
III. Gratitude Accomplishes God’s Purpose (verses 6-9)
“Our hope of final perseverance is the final perseverance of the God we love and serve. Because His mercy endures for ever, His work in and for us will continue until we are perfected when we see Him in all His perfection.” Herbert Lockyer
Lessons From a Leper
Rev. Bruce Brown
Luke 17:11-19
November 26th, 2019
Lesson 1 - Gratitude is Chief (summary)
Lesson 2 - Gratitude is Expressive (Vs. 15)
Lesson 3 - Gratitude is Humble (vs. 16)
“Oh, how much we have recieved from His hand! 1 Cor. 4:7 asks - “What do you have that you did not recieve?” And what a matchless gift in recieving Jesus. When we were “unclean” and “unfit” before our maker, full of rot and decay and misery. Our Jesus reached out with His life to heal us and make us whole! Let’s look for opportunities, not just tomorrow, but every day to say thank you to the LORD for the overwhelming gift of Christ!” ~ Pastor Bruce