Why God Became Man
December 22, 2019
Rev. Bruce Brown
Hebrews 2:14-18
I. To Destroy the Devil’s Grip (verses 14-15)
II. By Paying Sins Penalty (verses 16-17)
III. Leading us to Freedom (verse 18)
“Do you understand that Jesus didn't just come and walk a mile in your shoes? When He took on your flesh and blood, He took on your flesh and blood forever. Do you realize that? That there is a human being sitting at the right hand of God the Father Almighty right now ruling this universe by the word of His power? There is flesh and blood at the right hand of the Father Almighty. And what does that mean for you and me? It means that our God understands from the inside the temptations and sufferings that we all face as humans.” Ligon Duncan