Surely Not I, Lord?
Rev. Bruce Brown
April 7, 2019
Matthew 26:17-30
I. Before the Cross the Disciples See Jesus’ Self Control (verses 17-19, 30)
II. Before the Cross the Disciples Hear of Their Own Treachery (verses 20-25)
III. Before the Cross the Disciples Taste of It’s Coming Blessings (verses 26-29)
“But God did not abandon his people. Instead, he commissioned his prophets to promise a new covenant (Jer. 31:31; Ezek. 36) which Jesus inaugurated. The new covenant still involved blood, but it was Jesus’ blood – not the blood of a lamb and not the blood of guilty men and women. Jesus paid the debt we owed God. We owed him our life blood and he gave his blood as a substitute for ours. By this act he atoned for our sins, so that we have peace with God.” ~ Daniel M. Doriani
Why Have You Forsaken Me?
Pastor Bruce Brown
Matthew 27:45-54
I. At the Cross Jesus Experiences Social Rejection (Vss. 27-31; 35-37; 39-43)
II. At the Cross Jesus Suffers Emotional Desertion (Psalm 22)
III. At the Cross Jesus Enters into Spiritual Abandonment (Psalm 27; 2 Cor. 5:21)
“The pain that Jesus endured went beyond the pain that any other human being has ever endured. It may be that others have experienced equal or greater physical pain. But no other human being has ever been sinless like Jesus was. No other human being has ever known the fellowship that Jesus had with His Father in heaven before He came to this earth. So, no one else has ever felt the shock that Jesus felt, in His innocence, when He was forsaken by God.” ~ Phil Ryken
Is There Another Way?
Pastor Bruce Brown
Matthew 26:36-46
I. The Cross Was Necessary to Provide a Suffering Priest (Hebrews 2:17)
II. The Cross Was Necessary to Show God’s Righteousness (Romans.3:24-26)
III. The Cross Was Necessary to Reveal the Glory of the Father (John 17; Ro. 8:32)
‘“The Wonder of the love of Christ for His people is not that for their sake he faced death without fear, but that for their sake he faced it, terrified. Terrified by what he knew, and terrified by what he did not know, he took damnation lovingly.”’ ~ Donald Macleod