A Fish Breakfast with Jesus


John 21:1-14

 Rev. Bruce Brown

 May 16, 2021                               

I.       The Moment that Jesus Reveals (verses 1-3)

II.     The Mission that Jesus Commands (verses 4-8)

III.    The Meal that Jesus Serves (verses 9-14)

“The fishermen, a picture of the church toiling on the restless seas of life, found it was Christ who brings the increase and that apart from him they could do nothing. They also found that his resources were sufficient, whatever the catch… With Christ in the midst directing the work the resources are never overstrained. Nothing, in a person or a group of persons, is beyond his power and grace. Serving Christ in our own strength, trying to do it our own way, is like going after Moby Dick with a pickle fork. But led and sustained by Christ’s strength, the net will never tear.”  

~ Kent R. Hughes


Restoring Love


The Surety of His Promises