Sorrowful, Yet Always Rejoicing

Rev. Bruce Brown

John 16:16-24

June 14, 2020

I. Mounting Sorrow in a Fallen World (verses 16-20)

II. Transformed Sorrow After the Cross (verses 20-22)

III. Joy for the Asking (verses 23-24)

 “If the disciples’ joy comes from a reunion with Jesus, their position in him, and his promises to them, then what weapons could the devil possibly level against their joy?... Jesus didn’t only conquer betrayal and persecution; he turned them into the agents that brought about the disciples’ joy.  And of course, the ultimate fear, the ultimate weapon, the ultimate joy stealer is death, but Jesus disarmed death.  Jesus conquered every enemy!  If we find our joy in him, we have nothing to fear.  Our joy is impervious to all attacks leveled against it.  Jesus’s resurrection guarantees he can never die again, and those who follow him will never experience separation from him in death.  We may leave our physical bodies, but Jesus will never leave us (John 11:25-26).”  ~ Matt Carter


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