The Glory of the Church

Rev. Bruce Brown

October 25, 2020

Psalm 87

I.  The Glory of Zion (verses 1-3)

   II.   The Congregation in Zion (verses 4-6)

  III.   The Joys from Zion (verse 7)

"Everything that makes life worth living comes from membership of Zion.  Everything.  We do not sing that some of what rejoices our hearts comes from what we may be proud of in this life - our citizenship, or education, or career success, or family - and that there is a little room at the end for a measure of joy that we find in belonging to the church of Christ.  No!  All the fountains that feed my life and give me joy come from being a member, by new birth, of the church of Jesus Christ."  ~ Christopher Ash 



Kingdom Ambition


Blessed to be a Blessing